Сказка «Колобок» на английском языке. Детская аудиосказка на английском Johnny-Cake (Колобок)

Многие родители скептично настроены по отношению сказок на иностранном языке, отражающих зарубежную культуру. Оно и понятно, не все дети одинаково хорошо понимают и разделяют чужие ценности. Возьмем, к примеру, «Алису в стране чудес»: многим покажется странным поведение большинства персонажей сказки, а кто-то сочтет сумасшедшим и самого автора:) Другое дело наши русские народные сказки: здесь все герои знакомы и любимы с детства, все просто и понятно.

Именно поэтому детям, изучающим английский язык, можно и нужно рассказывать их родные сказки, но на иностранном языке.

«Колобок» — одна из самых популярных русских народных сказок. Ее знает наизусть уже двухлетний ребенок. Так давайте же предоставим ему возможность узнать любимую сказку с новой стороны.

Скачайте и распечатайте копию книги «The Bun» на английском языке в адаптации Н.А. Наумовой, издательство «Айрис-Пресс». Эта книга отлично подойдет для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.

Сказка пересказана на английском языке специально для российских детей, с использованием простейшей грамматики и наиболее употребительных английских слов. Прочитав ее, ребёнок запомнит названия некоторых животных, прилагательные, которыми их можно описать, некоторые названия продуктов и много глаголов.

Особенно занимательны упражнения в конце книги, которые помогут закрепить новую лексику и разобраться с глаголами в Present Simple.

Вот весь текст сказки :

One day the old man says to his wife, «Please, bake me a bun». The old woman takes some flour, some sour cream, some butter and some water, and makes a bun. She puts it on the windowsill to cool.

But the bun cannot sit on the windowsill! It jumps from the windowsill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door, and runs away.

The bun runs along the road and meets a hare. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the hare. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother. And I can run away from you, little hare!’ says the bun and runs away.

The bun runs along the road and meets a wolf. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the wolf. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare. And I can run away from you, grey wolf!’ says the bun and runs away.

The bun runs along the road and meets a bear. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the bear. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf. And I can run away from you, big bear!’ says the bun again and runs away.

The bun runs along the road and meets a fox. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the fox. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf, I ran away from the bear. And I can run away from you, old fox!’

‘What a nice song!’ says the fox. ‘But little bun, I’m old and I cannot hear you well. Sit on my nose and sing your song again.’ The bun jumps on the fox’s nose and … the fox eats it!



(Further on simply The Roll)


An Author

A Grandfather

A Grandmother

A Roll

A Hare

A Wolf

A Bear

A Fox


A big old oven, a table, a bench and a window.

Trees, flowers and bushes.

A stump.


A GRANDPA: Oh, it is so nice just simply live, yap.

A GRANDMA: Oh, enjoy the sky forget the grieve, yap.

A GRANDPA: Enjoy the honey drink and tea,

A GRANDMA: To eat sweet buns without plea.

A GRANDPA: Sweaty, can you bake some roll for us?

A GRANDMA: I would like to, but there is no more flour left.

A GRANDPA: Can you wipe the shelves carefully; maybe there you will find one or two scoops of flour.

(Kids can show what they are doing during the song.)

A GRANDPA: We decided to bake the roll, to bake the roll, to bake the roll. (Make the roll).

A GRANDMA: We decided to bake the roll, to bake the fresh puffy roll.

A GRANDPA: We invited boys and girls, boys and girls, boys and girls. (Waving hands towards themselves).

A GRANDMA: We invited boys and girls, to eat our puffy roll.

A GRANDPA: Boys and girls ate our roll, our roll, our roll. (Show how they are eating the roll).

A GRANDMA: They became all tall and strong, tall and very strong.

A GRANDPA: They said, thank you and goodbye, and goodbye, and goodbye. (Waving hands "bye, bye").

A GRANDMA: See you grannies, please don"t cry, please don"t cry. (Show how they are crying).

A GRANDPA: We will visit you again hug and kiss you, hug and kiss you. (Sending kisses).

A GRANDMA: We will visit you again, please don"t miss us, please don"t miss us.

A GRANDMA: Look, grandpa, how lovely our roll is.

A GRANDPA: It is lovely.

A ROLL: Maybe somebody else will notice how unique I am!

A HARE: Hi, little roll, I am going to eat you!

A ROLL: Don"t eat me hare, I will sing you a wonderful song.

Made from flour round ball,

I"m shiny like silk.

I am running from grandma,

I am running from grandpa.

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, little hare, I will easy run away.

A HARE: What a wonder! He has just been here and somehow he is gone...

A WOLF: Hi, tasty roll, I"m going to eat you.

A ROLL: Don"t eat me, Mister wolf, I will sing you a song.

A WOLF: Ok, ok, just quickly, I am really hungry!

A ROLL: I"m the roll, roll, roll,

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk,

I"m shiny like silk.

I am running from grandma,

I am running from grandpa.

I am running from the hare

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, Mister wolf, I will easy run away.

A WOLF: Unbelievable! I didn"t bite even a small piece of that tasty roll. U-u-u-u he is very smart! Next time I"m not going to listen to any stupid songs; I will bite and eat, eat and eat.

A BEAR: R-r-r, hi, round crunchy bread, I"m going to eat you.

A ROLL: I am not simply bread; I am a roll.

A BEAR: It"s so nice to meet you, roll.

A ROLL: Don"t eat me please, big brown bear, I will sing you a song.

A BEAR: Oh, so kind, and so romantic, dinner after performance.

A ROLL: I"m the roll, roll, roll,

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk,

I"m shiny like silk.

I am running from grandma,

I am running from grandpa.

I am running from the hare

I like running I"m not tired.

I am running from the wolf

I have got my own rule.

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, big brown bear, I will easy run away.

A BEAR: R-r-r-r!

A BEAR: He cheated me!? I"m silly; I"m fool! And I am still hungry! Well, little cheater, don"t meet me again; otherwise I will swallow you without saying anything, just "um, um"!!! And that"s it!

A FOX: Hello, dear! I have never seen anybody so beautiful and smart as you are! You are perfect!!! You are adorable!!! I like you so much!!!

A ROLL: Hi, red fox, do you want me to sing you the song, I wrote myself!

A FOX: Of course, I want to.

A ROLL: I"m the roll, roll, roll,

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk,

I"m shiny like silk.

I am running from grandma,

I am running from grandpa.

I am running from the hare

I like running I"m not tired.

I am running from the wolf

I have got my own rule.

I am running from the bear

I want find my luck somewhere!

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, red fox, I will easy run away.

A FOX: What a wonderful song!

A FOX: Poor me, I became so old, so unhappy, I can"t hear properly anymore. Don"t you mind sitting down on my nose and singing your magic song for me again?

A ROLL: Of course, I will.

A ROLL: I"m the roll, roll, roll….

Here is the end of the story, to them who carefully listened honour and glory!!!

М. В. Булганина, МБОУ "ООШ", с. Знаменка Старооскольского района, Белгородская область

The Bun (The Kolobok, The loaf)

A grandfather:

A grandmother:

The trees:

Once upon a time an old man and woman lived in a village. One day the old man asked the woman to make a bun. (Дед пилит дрова, бабушка подметает пол)

The grandfather:

I’m so hungry! Make me a bun; please (Садится на лавку за стол, вытирает пот со лба)

The old woman mixed some flour with sour cream and shaped it into a kolobok,a kind of a little round bun (бабушка катает колобок) Then she fried it and left it on the windowsill to cool. (Бабушка ставит колобок на подоконник. Игрушечного колобка заменяет один из ребят)

The grandmother :

Ok (Перестает подметать, подходит к столу, надевает фартук и замешивает тесто)

The grandmother :

Well done (любуется колобком)

After some time the bun was bored to lie on the windowsill. So the bun decided to jump outside and have a look, what is going on around.

Suddenly the bun saw a hare.

A hare: Ah,Kolobok,kolobok I’ll EAT you now.(Заяц подходит к колобку и хочет съесть, но…)

The bun:

Don’t eat me hare. I”ll sing you a song (поет песню)

I’m kolobok,kolobok!

Made from flour round ball,

I’m shiny like silk

I’m running from grandma,

I’m running from grandpa.

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, little hare, I will easy run away.

The hare even didn’t notice the bun disappear. The bun rolled down the road until it met a wolf (Колобок катится по дороге и встречает волка)

The wolf:

Hi! Tasty bun, I’m going to eat you!

The bun:

Don’t eat me Mister Wolf,I will sing you a song(Поет песню)

I’m kolobok,kolobok!

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk,

I’m shiny like silk

I’m running from grandma,

I’m running from grandpa.

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, angry wolf, I will easy run away.

The author;

The wolf looked around, but the bun was far away (Волк оглянулся а колобок уже был далеко

The wolf:

Ah,I’didn’n bite even a small piece of that tasty bun. Next time I’m not going to listen to any stupid songs, I will bite and eat, eat and eat. (Волк разочаровывается)

But the bun happily kept running deeper to the forest. The bun was running, running and saw the big brown bear

The bear:

R-R-R, hi, round bread, I’m going to eat you.

The bun:

Don’t eat me Please big brown bear,I will sing you a song(Поет песню)

The bear:

Oh,so kind and romantic, dinner after song.

The bear sat down, closed his eyes and became ready to listen to the song.

The bun:

I’m kolobok,kolobok!

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk,

I’m shiny like silk

I’m running from grandma,

I’m running from grandpa.

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, big brown bear, I will easy run away.

The big brown bear was still waiting for another song, but the bun went on his way. (Медведь сидел и ждал следующую песню, но колобок убежал) And the bear went to the deep forest. The bun was rolling, rolling and suddenly he saw a fox (Колобок катился, катился и увидел лису)

The fox;

Hello dear, I have never seen anybody so beautiful and smart as you are! You are perfect! I like you so much! Where are you going?

The bun:

I’m just rolling along the road. Do you want me to sing you the song, I wrote myself

The fox:

Of course, I want to

The bun began to sing a song.

The bun:

I’m kolobok,kolobok!

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk.

I’m running from grandma,

I’m running from grandpa,

I’m running from the hare,

I like running I’m not tired.

I’m running from the wolf

I have got my own rule.

I’m running from the bear

I want find my luck somewhere!

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, red fox, I will easy run away

The fox:

What a wonderful song! (Лисе нравится песня, она показывает это)

The fox: Poor me, I became so old, I can’t hear anymore. The bun, please sit on my nose and sing your song again.

The author;

The bun jumped on top of the red fox nose and started singing his song

The bun:

I’m kolobok,kolobok!

But the red fox ate him. Here is the end of the story, to them who carefully listened honour and glory!!!

The Bun (Колобок)

One day the old man says to his wife «Please, bake me a bun». The old woman takes some flour, some sour cream, some butter and some water, and makes a bun. She puts it on the windowsill to cool.
But the bun cannot sit on the windowsill! It jumps from the windowsill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door, and runs away.
The bun runs along the road and meets a hare. «Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you! » says the hare. «I ran away from Grandfather; I ran away from Grandmother. And I can run away from you, little hare! » says the bun and runs away.
The bun runs along the road and meets a wolf. «Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you! » says the wolf. «I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare. And I can run away from you, grey wolf! » says the bun and runs away.

Однажды старик говорит своей жене: «Испеки мне колобок». Старуха берет муку, сметану, масло, воду и печет колобок. Она кладет его на подоконник остывать.
Но колобку не сидится на подоконнике. Спрыгивает он с подоконника на скамейку, со скамейки на пол, а там и до двери, и убегает.
Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему заяц. «Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!», говорит заяц. Колобок ему отвечает: «Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, и от тебя заяц убегу!» И убегает.
Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему волк. «Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!», говорит волк. Колобок ему отвечает: «Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, я от зайца ушел, и от тебя серый волк убегу!» И убегает.

The bun runs along the road and meets a bear. «Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you! » says the bear. «I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf. And I can run away from you, big bear! » says the bun again and runs away.
The bun runs along the road and meets a fox. «Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you! » says the fox. «I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf, I ran away from the bear. And I can run away from you, old fox! »
«What a nice song! » says the fox. «But little bun, I’m old and I cannot hear you well. Sit on my nose and sing your song again. » The bun jumps on the fox’s nose and … the fox eats it!

Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему медведь. «Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!», говорит медведь. Колобок ему отвечает: «Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, я от зайца ушел, я от волка ушел, и от тебя большой медведь убегу!» И убегает.
Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему лиса. «Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!», говорит лиса. Колобок ей отвечает: «Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, я от зайца ушел, я от волка ушел, я от медведя ушел, и от тебя старая лиса убегу!»
«Какая красивая песенка!», говорит лиса. «Но, колобок, я стара и плохо тебя слышу. Сядь на мой нос, и спой свою песенку снова». Прыгнул колобок лисе на нос… лиса его и съела!

Сценарий сказки «Колобок» (The Bun) на английском языке

Колобок « The bun »

Kolobok”-сценарий сказки на английском языке.


способствовать раскрытию творческого потенциала, артистических способностей ребенка;

учить обыгрывать инсценировки, направленные на диалогическую активность;

формировать мотивы изучения английского языка;

развивать лексические навыки.

Оборудование и материалы: костюмы и маски для действующих лиц, аудиозаписи песен и музыкального сопровождения, декорации.

One day the old man says to his wife «Please, bake me a bun» . The old woman takes some flour, some sour cream, some butter and some water, and makes a bun. She puts it on the windowsill to cool.

Однажды старик говорит своей жене: «Испеки мне колобок». Старуха берет муку, сметану, масло, воду и печет колобок. Она кладет его на подоконник остывать .

But the bun cannot sit on the windowsill! It jumps from the windowsill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door, and runs away.

Но колобку не сидится на подоконнике. Спрыгивает он с подоконника на скамейку, со скамейки на пол, а там и до двери, и убегает.

The bun runs along the road and meets a hare. says the hare. «I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother. And I can run away from you, little hare!»

Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему заяц. «Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!», говорит заяц. Колобок ему отвечает: «Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, и от тебя заяц убегу!» И убегает .

The bun runs along the road and meets a wolf. «Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!» says the wolf. «I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare. And I can run away from you, grey wolf!» says the bun and runs away.

Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему волк. «Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!», говорит волк. Колобок ему отвечает: «Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, я от зайца ушел, и от тебя серый волк убегу!» И убегает .

The bun runs along the road and meets a bear. «Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!» says the bear. «I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf. And I can run away from you, big bear!» says the bun again and runs away.

Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему медведь. «Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!», говорит медведь. Колобок ему отвечает: «Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, я от зайца ушел, я от волка ушел, и от тебя большой медведь убегу!» И убегает .

The bun runs along the road and meets a fox. «Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!» says the fox. «I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf, I ran away from the bear. And I can run away from you, old fox!»

Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему лиса. «Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!», говорит лиса. Колобок ей отвечает: «Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, я от зайца ушел, я от волка ушел, я от медведя ушел, и от тебя старая лиса убегу!»

«What a nice song!» says the fox. «But little bun, I’m old and I cannot hear you well. Sit on my nose and sing your song again.» The bun jumps on the fox’s nose and … the fox eats it!

«Какая красивая песенка!», говорит лиса. «Но, колобок, я стара и плохо тебя слышу. Сядь на мой нос, и спой свою песенку снова». Прыгнул колобок лисе на нос… лиса его и съела!

Сказка «Колобок» (The Bun) на английском языке